
5 Things Freshers Need To Know

Freshers is a daunting time. What are the key things you need to know in order to make the most of it?

  1. Go to as much as possible – There are so many things on that it can be hard to go to everything but really try to go to as much as you can. It’s the best way to get to know the area you’re in and meet as many people as you can.
  2. Speak to as many people as you can – Most of the time you’ll be drunk, probably. It’s so much easier to talk to people when everyone is a little more confident and open so try to just say hi to people. I found myself constantly meeting girls in the bathrooms of clubs, it seems like a great please to chat!
  3. Don’t skip those timetabled introduction sessions – they might actually be important!– Boring meetings or sessions that you’re told you have to go to can be easy to skip. You’re probably hungover and tired, so why bother going? The only reason I suggest going is because you might learn some valuable information about your tutor or where places are. I actually met one of my best friends at a small timetabled tutor meeting so I can never suggest skipping these.
  4. Have a stash of meals which are quick and easy to make – I turned up to uni with a cupboard full of super noodles and mugshots, super ready to be hungover and roll into the kitchen to make food. These were great for those days and they last forever (I’m still eating them a year later) but be sure to get a proper meal occasionally.
  5. Everyone feels the same – It’s important to remember that everyone is new. Unlike school, it’s very likely everyone is coming to uni without knowing someone else. So it’s fine to be scared and afraid, everyone feels the same. Just relax.